since the last post rite?humm now playing on my iTunes The Mess I Made - Parachute.
nice song.... let's see the lyrics.
Should've kissed you there I should've held your face I should've watched those eyes Instead of run in place I should've called you out I should've said your name I should've turned around I should've looked again But ohh, I'm staring at the mess I made I'm staring at the mess I made I'm staring at the mess I made As you turn, you take your heart and walk away Should've held my ground I could've been redeemed For every second chance That changed its mind on me, I should've spoken up I should've proudly claimed That oh my head's to blame For all my hearts mistakes But ohh, I'm staring at the mess I made I'm staring at the mess I made I'm staring at the mess I made As you turn, you take your heart and walk away And it's, you... And it's, you... And it's, you... And it's, you... And it's falling down As you walk away... And it's on me now As you go... But ohh, I'm staring at the mess I made I'm staring at the mess I made... I'm staring at the mess I made As you turn, you take your heart and walk away And it's falling down As you walk away... And it's on me now As you go... But ohh, I'm staring at the mess I made I'm staring at the mess I made... I'm staring at the mess I made As you turn, you take your heart and walk away.
bagus ya? tapi bukan buat gue, suka aja.
hmm... akhir akhir ini mungkin yg suka ngeview blog gue cuma Jaco aja...
mungkin lo semua pengen tau kisah sebulan lebih gue sama dia ini, gausah gue ceritain semua kali ya.
it's love at the first sight. no no. the second sight. gue sama jaco bener bener pertama kali ketemu di mcd, lo ga harus tau kisahnya.. awalnya itu tanggal 9 atau 10 gitu, beberapa hari sebelum dia ultah. kita bisa deket kerena waktu dia ultah gue selametin dia lewat sms, dan dari situ kita mulai smsan terus. akhirnya kita ketemuan lagi setelah dia ulang tahun di mcd lagi. disitu. i had crushed on him, since that day, u stole my heart and won't give it back. dari sana kita akhirnya jalan ke pim ketemuan di gramed, otp-an berjamjam akhirnya gue ngobrol di telfon sama adeknya yang paling kecil, anak cowo umur 4 taun yang suaranya mukanya gemesin banget. akhirnya gue ajak adeknya jalan ke bp. i know, tempatnya ga sebagus pim atau apalah. soalnya kita juga ga bisa jauh jauh dari rumah takut kai capek segala macem. kita fotobox bareng, main sama adeknya di fun world. great time... i miss that. and one day, gue main kerumahnya, di kenalin sama adeknya yang cewe dua, sama papanya.. waktu itu gue belom sempet ketemu nyokapnya karena mamanya lagi kerja, gue main di kamar belakang, lanjutin blog kita. gue sama Jaco punya blog dilaptopnya dia, isinya kebanyakan curhat gue, sama cerita cerita tentang kita. trus, waktu itu, jam8 pagi gue kerumahnya dan ketemu sama mamanya, waktu itu kita sama sama pake baju biru muda hahhaha lucu banget deh.. 7 hari sebelum lebaran, gue dikasih tau Jaco bakal pindah ke surabaya. whew. i really don't know what to say.. i'm absolutely shocked. 4 hari pertama, it's so hard for me,i always cry when i see his face, when he play guitar.. i'll continue later.